NGCSU Wesley – Dahlonega, GA

We were blessed to start the month of May with a great group of college students from North Georgia College and State University’s Wesley Foundation.

There were only seven members of this team, but they moved enough dirt for at least three times that many people. A whole lot of soil was moved from one side of the Project to another in order to level out the playground area. It was a lot of really hard work but they did everything with great attitudes.

They also worked on treating wood, and painting pieces of metal that will be put together to form a roof over the playground so the children can play outside, even in the rainy season.

The hardest part of the week though, was probably for the guys who pressure washed and scrubbed one entire side of the church’s roof. Sadly, and oddly, there are no pictures to document the actual transformation of the roof, but trust us, it looks great!!!

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